Monday, 19 January 2009

Ghostly Goings On

It's been almost a week without blogging. After the honeymoon peroid wore off (four blogs in two days), I left this place a cold and barron waste land. I'm sorry blog, I didn't mean to desert you. I am back again now, and I bring news. Toast Ghost related news! 

This lovely poster was made by Laura Kalbag, one of the people on the animation team behind The Toast Ghost. It's the first example of someone making something because of words I bashed out on the old laptop, so that's pretty gratifying. 

Anyway, on Friday a bunch of us got together and recorded all the vocals for it. We had a really fancy soundproof booth for doing it, and I made everyone do all their lines repeatedly untill they were hot and pissed off at me. Here are a couple of photos:

This is me doing some directing of some sort. I am wearing a tshirt I got for Christmas, so thanks for that Mum.

Here I am in the soundbooth with Joe and Aaron. I'm pretty sure we were just mucking about at this point.

Here are some people just having a good old chill out.

I grow weary of those blogging. I'll be back soon with some Revenge news. Goodbye all.

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